Note Weavers CIC is a community of learning for early years music within which early years practitioners, musicians and educators can be empowered through collaboration with each other and find support to develop their practice appropriately thus improving access for children, families and communities to quality musical experiences.

Note Weavers was incorporated as a Community Interest Company in May 2019 achieving its aim to build an organisation to:

  • support early years educators, music practitioners & researchers, connecting, collaborating & enabling (the development of) quality music practice for the benefit of children, families & communities.
  • facilitate a programme of projects in local settings, supporting practitioners, exploring pedagogy, researching and the developing new approaches, sharing impact & driving change at local, regional & national level.
  • support musical activity within local Early Years and community settings, working with Music Services, Music Education Hubs and other Arts Organisations to promote quality music making with young children, support reflective evaluation and the sharing of good practice.

As a collaborative community, Note Weavers aims to have a lasting impact on the music education experiences of young children in the North West and offer exciting opportunities to build partnerships and make a difference.

Music in early childhood
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